Yesterday David and I took the kids to the Macaroni Grill. We don't eat out much, but when we do, it's such a treat. It was so much fun! When we arrived, the restaurant was packed, but the service was great and the food even better. The waitress brought out a loaf of fresh-baked bread and a small bowl of olive oil that was seasoned with pepper to dip it in. We briefly discussed the health benefits of olive oil. The kids each ordered from the kids menu. They had their entrees as well as unlimited drink refills and an ice cream sundae for dessert. David had chicken pizza and I ordered a chicken and veggie sandwich with a house salad.
After eating we took the kids to see the Bee Movie. Even though we were about 10 minutes early, the theater was packed with kids of all ages, parents, and grandparents and we ending up sitting about 3 rows from the front on the side. The movie was pretty funny and very cute! The kids really enjoyed it and so did I.
I know the kids have enjoyed being home more during Christmas break and having a break from school. But I don't know who's enjoyed it more, me or the kids. Having David and the kids home this past week has been so much fun! It's really made me reflect on 2007 and be thankful for the great memories we have made.
I am looking forward to the New Year. For one thing, our 14th anniversary is on January 1. . . more on that later.
Welcome to Special Meals Mom! It's all about food, fun, and family. I share Special Meals, recipes kids love to make and eat, useful nutritional information, funny stories about my 4 kids, and life as a stay-at-home mom.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
My Grandma's Recipe for Yummy Peanut Butter Candy

My Grandma Wanda first introduced me to these deliciously simple sweet treats when I was a girl. They are so simple, yet delectable!
Here's what you need:
Peanut butter
Ritz Crackers
Chocolate Almond Bark
You simply spread some peanut butter between 2 crackers, then dip in melted almond bark. They keep well in the freezer and taste sort of like Reese's peanut butter cups, but with the interesting crispiness of the crackers.
Monday, December 24, 2007
The Christmas Cards Have All Been Sent. . . or Have They?
I have a confession to make. . . I goofed up a bit this year when sending out Christmas cards. We took our yearly picture in front of the tree. David sets the digital camera on the ledge overlooking our great room. We get the children posed and tell them to freeze and to keep smiling, no matter what. Then David sets the camera to go off and has under 10 seconds to run back to his spot, sit down, and smile. The actual posing for the camera went off without a hitch. . . the easiest one yet. It was what happened after the cards had been ordered that was my blunder.
After I picked up our 60 cards from being made at Wal Mart, I discovered that my Palm was dead and refused to charge. Because my Palm is where I store my addresses, this was slightly inconvenient but not impossible (or so I thought). With the help of my mom and the internet, I managed to get most of the addresses I needed. The one's I couldn't locate, well I thought. . . I'll just wait until they send me a card and then use their return address to send them a card back. Everything was going great until I realized that I had mailed most of the 60 cards, but had kept no record of who I'd sent the cards to.
At the time I was addressing them, I thought. . . I'll remember who I send these cards to. . . no problem. But, unfortunately that method didn't work like I was counting on.
So now, I've sent out all 60 and have had to reorder 20 more
To all my family and friends. . . if you don't receive a card from us this year (or if you receive 2 or 3), please forgive me for not being as organized as I should have been and please don't take it personally. Just know that I will do better next year.
Have a Merry Christmas!
Christmas Candy Recipe
My mom brought the cutest little turtle treats to our family Christmas gathering yesterday! She saw the idea on a TV program. . . I can't remember which one. They are so simple and sooo tasty! You only need 3 ingredients: Rolo candy, pecans, and mini pretzels. First, you place the pretzels on a microwavable plate. Then place a Rolo on top of the pretzel. Microwave this for a few seconds until the Rolo is slightly soft. Finally, press a pecan on top of the Rolo and let them cool. These are a perfect mini treat and really look like little turtles. I plan to make them with the kids some time.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
High School Musical and Hannah Montana
Last night we celebrated Maddie's 7th birthday with my parents. After having a sleepover birthday celebration this weekend, she was feeling pretty lucky to get to eat cake, have her picture taken, open presents, and be the center of attention for the 2nd time in a week! (not an everyday occurrence in a family of 6) As I posted earlier, our girls love High School Musical. Maddie was so happy to receive a Sharpay doll that sings and talks! We even discussed how Sharpay is an unusual name for a girl and how there is a breed of dog with the same name, only spelled differently. (shar pei)
She also opened a package containing a Hannah Montana doll that sings. Needless to say, we have a whole lot a singing and dancing going on in our house! It's so much fun for me to see her enjoying her new toys. . . but where does the time go? Really!
I still remember that cold December afternoon, just a few days before Christmas and seven years ago when we brought our sweet Maddie home from the hospital. Fuzzy red hair and precious little fingers and toes. It makes me tear up to remember bringing each of our 4 babies home for the first time. Those moments will forever be etched in my memory.
I guess we've come a long way to get from then to High School Musical and Hannah Montana.
Happy Birthday Maddie!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Pizza and a High School Musical Sleevover

Our oldest daughter, Maddie, had a slumber party last weekend to celebrate her 7th birthday. The theme she chose was High School Musical, a phenomenon that is drawing fans of all ages, myself included. Although the weather man had predicted a big snowstorm the night of the big event, we all awoke the next morning to see a light dusting of snow on the rooftops. The girls enjoyed watching High School Musical 1 and 2 while singing and dancing to the music, crafting, and giggling (like 7-year-olds do).
Dinner was the best part for me, because the girls and I made mini pizzas. They were so easy, but fun to make:
You simply take a flour tortilla and spread the top with approximately 1-2 T. of pizza sauce. Next top with your favorite toppings. We used mozzarella cheese, turkey pepperoni, and sliced olives. You pop them in the oven for about 10 minutes at 375 degrees (more or less depending on your oven and how crisp you like your pizza) and that's all there is to it! As Rachel Ray would say, "Yummo!"
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Peanut Butter Rocks!

I don't know about you, but our family loves peanut butter. It's a staple in our house! Peanut butter with banana slices and honey, peanut butter with marshmallow fluff, peanut butter pie, peanut butter cookies, peanut butter bread, peanut butter ice cream, ice cream with peanut butter on the side, or peanut butter on a spoon. What. . . you've never heard of peanut butter on a spoon? Peanut butter on a spoon (or in our house, simply "peanut butter spoon") was a trend started in our household, by my dear hubby and now carried on by our kids. . . OK. . . and occasionally me. What can I say? We are peanut butter crazy! When Peter Pan announced a recall earlier this year, we became a little nervous. Fortunately, the other peanut butter brands picked up the slack.
Maybe that's not such a bad thing. According to the Peanut Butter & Co website (, peanut butter has several health benefits. It provides a good source of protein, vitamin A, niacin, phosphorus, and magnesium. A little know fact about peanut butter is that it is a cholesterol free food and can actually help improve cholesterol levels. Amazingly (to me) the smooth and creamy stuff contains as much fiber as 1/2 cup of broccoli! Several studies have even indicated that eating a little bit of peanut butter daily can aide in weight loss and overall heart health.
For these reasons (and many more) we will continue to enjoy our favorite treat, peanut butter!
Maybe that's not such a bad thing. According to the Peanut Butter & Co website (, peanut butter has several health benefits. It provides a good source of protein, vitamin A, niacin, phosphorus, and magnesium. A little know fact about peanut butter is that it is a cholesterol free food and can actually help improve cholesterol levels. Amazingly (to me) the smooth and creamy stuff contains as much fiber as 1/2 cup of broccoli! Several studies have even indicated that eating a little bit of peanut butter daily can aide in weight loss and overall heart health.
For these reasons (and many more) we will continue to enjoy our favorite treat, peanut butter!
Lasagna in the Crockpot!

Sometimes I prefer to prepare the evening meal in the morning and let it cook in the crockpot. Since our afternoons are typically very busy with homework, practices, and other activities it really simplifies mealtime. I also enjoy to take an interesting recipe and use it for inspiration. I'm more of a "throw things in and taste it as I go" kind of chef. I use the ingredients that I want and add extras, when necessary.
This morning I browned some ground turkey (you could use ground beef), then added a large jar of spaghetti sauce. While the meat was cooking, I cooked some pasta in boiling water. In a separate bowl I mixed 1 cup of shredded pizza cheese, 1 cup cottage cheese, and 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese. Then I added the pasta to the cheese mix. Next, I layered the ground meat and sauce, and the cheese/pasta mix until I was out of ingredients. Oh, and I also sprinkled a bit of oregano on top. Depending on your personal tastes, you could use different types of cheese (I love ricotta), leave out the meat for a vegetarian dish, or add colorful vegetables. It has been cooking all day and the house smells great! I will serve it with some garlic bread and Steamfresh broccoli. The kids love anything with pasta, so it's bound to be a hit!
Sunday, December 9, 2007
A Charlie Brown Christmas Tree
The owner of the farm, a kind lady, explained that we would be seeing Christmas trees that were similar to the one Charlie Brown picked in A Charlie Brown Christmas. Although these trees were pretty in their own way, they were a bit less desirable than many of the others. The Charlie Brown trees had imperfections, however the children seemed oblivious to them. They ran around the farm, examining each of the trees and it seemed like they all wanted to choose a different one. Eventually, they decided upon a medium sized one.
I was thankful to have shared the Christmas Tree Farm experience with my daughter and hope to bring the rest of the family back next year (even if we do have a fake tree).
Stress-Free Holidays!

Continuing on with the no-stress holiday theme, I found a helpful tidbit from Lists to Live By. The authors offer 5 ways to reduce stress:
1. Assess how stress impacts your life. How do you feel tension? Do you have stomach churning or a stiff neck? Once you're aware of how stress effects you, you're better able to deal with its influence.
2. Prioritize. What must be done and what can wait a week, a month, or even a year?
3. Be realistic. Realizing that everyone experiences stress can help you approach the issue from a broader perspective.
4. Celebrate workable coping techniques. Identify ways in which you can alleviate stress (i.e. taking a walk, drinking a hot cup of tea, singing at the top of your lungs, or my favorite. . . shopping.)
5. Be kind to yourself. Taking care of yourself by eating nutritious foods, exercising, or reading a good book (or blog) can provide an added benefit.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Enjoing the Christmas Season

I don't know about you, but between all the kids activities, Christmas concerts, and holiday get-togethers and parties, I don't have an abundance of energy by the end of the day. Add to that the impending ice storm that has been predicted, sick children, all the gifts I need to wrap, and treats to take to the Christmas dinners. . . and I could easily become stressed, my cortisol levels going through the roof (
I know a lot of you can probably relate to this scenario. But. . . rather than being stressed out, (not that I have ever been before) this year I plan on enjoying the holiday season to it's fullest extent, and not stressing over the little things. I vow to soak up every hug, kiss, and smile from David the kids, savoring the joy and laughter the little ones give so freely. I acknowledge that there are (much) more important things that I want to focus on, so. . . even though potentially stressful moments are just lurking around the corner, I will do my best to be calm, cool, and collected this holiday season!
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I don't know about you, but our family loves peanut butter. It's a staple in our house! Peanut butter with banana slices and honey, ...
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