Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Lasagna in the Crockpot!

Sometimes I prefer to prepare the evening meal in the morning and let it cook in the crockpot. Since our afternoons are typically very busy with homework, practices, and other activities it really simplifies mealtime. I also enjoy to take an interesting recipe and use it for inspiration. I'm more of a "throw things in and taste it as I go" kind of chef. I use the ingredients that I want and add extras, when necessary.

This morning I browned some ground turkey (you could use ground beef), then added a large jar of spaghetti sauce. While the meat was cooking, I cooked some pasta in boiling water. In a separate bowl I mixed 1 cup of shredded pizza cheese, 1 cup cottage cheese, and 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese. Then I added the pasta to the cheese mix. Next, I layered the ground meat and sauce, and the cheese/pasta mix until I was out of ingredients. Oh, and I also sprinkled a bit of oregano on top. Depending on your personal tastes, you could use different types of cheese (I love ricotta), leave out the meat for a vegetarian dish, or add colorful vegetables. It has been cooking all day and the house smells great! I will serve it with some garlic bread and Steamfresh broccoli. The kids love anything with pasta, so it's bound to be a hit!


Anonymous said...

Yum! I look forward to having my croc pot again! we obviously didn't bring it to spain with us, but this sounds de-lish! I guess I could just put it in a pot on the stove on low, right? maybe? it might burn, though, huh?

Lori Geurin said...

I don't know why you couldn't put it on your stove on low heat. Or maybe a casserole dish in your oven?

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