Sunday, December 9, 2007

Stress-Free Holidays!

Continuing on with the no-stress holiday theme, I found a helpful tidbit from Lists to Live By. The authors offer 5 ways to reduce stress:

1. Assess how stress impacts your life. How do you feel tension? Do you have stomach churning or a stiff neck? Once you're aware of how stress effects you, you're better able to deal with its influence.

2. Prioritize. What must be done and what can wait a week, a month, or even a year?

3. Be realistic. Realizing that everyone experiences stress can help you approach the issue from a broader perspective.

4. Celebrate workable coping techniques. Identify ways in which you can alleviate stress (i.e. taking a walk, drinking a hot cup of tea, singing at the top of your lungs, or my favorite. . . shopping.)

5. Be kind to yourself. Taking care of yourself by eating nutritious foods, exercising, or reading a good book (or blog) can provide an added benefit.

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