Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Peanut Butter Rocks!

I don't know about you, but our family loves peanut butter. It's a staple in our house! Peanut butter with banana slices and honey, peanut butter with marshmallow fluff, peanut butter pie, peanut butter cookies, peanut butter bread, peanut butter ice cream, ice cream with peanut butter on the side, or peanut butter on a spoon. What. . . you've never heard of peanut butter on a spoon? Peanut butter on a spoon (or in our house, simply "peanut butter spoon") was a trend started in our household, by my dear hubby and now carried on by our kids. . . OK. . . and occasionally me. What can I say? We are peanut butter crazy! When Peter Pan announced a recall earlier this year, we became a little nervous. Fortunately, the other peanut butter brands picked up the slack.
Maybe that's not such a bad thing. According to the Peanut Butter & Co website (, peanut butter has several health benefits. It provides a good source of protein, vitamin A, niacin, phosphorus, and magnesium. A little know fact about peanut butter is that it is a cholesterol free food and can actually help improve cholesterol levels. Amazingly (to me) the smooth and creamy stuff contains as much fiber as 1/2 cup of broccoli! Several studies have even indicated that eating a little bit of peanut butter daily can aide in weight loss and overall heart health.
For these reasons (and many more) we will continue to enjoy our favorite treat, peanut butter!


Anonymous said...

We love pb, too...on a spoon, on bread, with chocolate, however! And we can't buy it here in Spain. My mom spent a fortune mailing us 4 jars of Peter Pan and then called us to tell us about the recall...Unfortunately our jars were ALL 4 from the 'possibly contaminated' batch and we shed tears as we threw away our precious pb!
(p.s. how much pb do you have to eat to get the 1/2 cup of broccoli fiber benefits?! i'm always looking for ways to add fiber to my very constipated dd's diet!)

Lori Geurin said...

Wow! I can't imagine being without peanut butter. I can't believe all of yours were recalled!
Let me see if I can answer your question. According to calorie, 2 T. peanut butter has 1.9 grams of fiber. 1/2 cup broccoli has 1.1 grams of fiber, actually more than a serving of peanut butter. Wow, that's good! (

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