Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A New Year. . . A New Perspective

Happy New Year to everyone! It seems like the New Year rolls around faster with each passing year. I love New Year's Day for a couple of reasons. For one, like many others, I try to make a fresh start in life every January 1. My New Year's Resolutions might not be as lofty as some, but I try to make them attainable, so I can more easily stick with them throughout the course of the year. (Am I saying, "year" a lot, because it seems like it?) I like the idea of wiping the slate clean, getting a fresh start, and looking forward to the future.

The other reason for my affinity to New Year's is that David (my husband) and I were married on January 1, fourteen years ago. I remember when we chose the day for our wedding. It seemed like the perfect anniversary date. We would be starting the year off right celebrating our anniversary at the start of a New Year. I also loved the date because it was the also the wedding anniversary of my beloved grandmother, "Nanny" and grandfather, "Papaw". Although they have since then passed on, I think of them often, and especially on our anniversary.

I look forward to celebrating another anniversary with my sweetie and am thankful for all the precious times we have shared together.

Cheers to a Happy New Year! And remember these words from Eleanor Roosevelt, "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Anniversary!! We celebrated #11 on Dec. 28! Congratulations on #14!! Hope you had a blast celebrating!

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