Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Kids Say the Cutest Things!

Emma said the funniest thing, and I had to write it down before I forgot. In preschool, her class each received a little paper turkey. They were told to write about how you cook a turkey. Emma said, "Grandma makes it. She puts teeth on it. Puts it in the oven. Cook it for 1 min." Spoken like a true 4-year-old! It was so cute and funny! I had to hold my laughter in because she was giving me one a serious look. I tried thinking whether she had ever eaten turkey with teeth or what might have given her the idea that you put teeth on the turkey.

As a side note, my personal experience with baking turkeys hasn't been too great. The (one) time I attempted it, I had to call my Dad for emergency help. The caring Dad that he is, he left work and helped me gut it. As much as I like eating turkey, the gory contents of the cold, wet turkey made me lose my appetite for the bird (at least for a day or so). As my Dad and I struggled with that crazy turkey, I vowed to never again attempt the impossible (or at least the unlikely). I love to cook and bake, but that silly turkey was all I could take.

Anyway, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and . . .yes, my Mom cooked the turkey and it was delicious!


Kelly said...

Lori Guerin! I stumbled across your blog from Faith's blog. How are ya?
My instant memory of you is when you called the cops on JD for borrowing your truck and trailor b/c David forgot to tell you about it!

So much to catch up on . . . but not on a blog post.

I didn't see where I could email your from this site, but my blog is:
I hope to catch up soon.
Kelly Buss

Lori Geurin said...

Hi! It's so good to hear from you! How are you and what's been going on in your life? I'd love to hear more, when you have time.

I've been a stay at home mom to our 4 kids for over 10 years now. I'm going to school online to become a medical transcriptionist in the future. David and I have lived in Mt Vernon, MO for about 2 years now. He is the Miller HS Principal as well as the HS Girls basketball coach.

I will write more later, but it's so glad to hear from you! Please keep in touch.

PS. Here's my email: lori.geurin@gmail.com

An Easter Mystery at 3 in the Morning!

Easter morning, 3 am we were awakened by our girls who were checking to see if the Easter Bunny had brought them any goodies. The girls ha...